Medequip visit Aston and Cote Day Centre
We have been lucky enough to have Tessa and Rachel from Medequip join us at the Day Centre and they gave a very informative friendly presentation to both our members and volunteers. We were all enlightened and made ever more aware of the dangers around us, and as Tessa said “Personal safety and the ability to live our lives with confidence become more important issues as we get older. New developments in technology – known as Technology Enabled Care, or TEC for short - have an important role to play in helping people to remain safe and independent in their own homes for longer.
TEC specialists Medequip Connect are part of Medequip Assistive Technology, one of the UK’s leading providers of community services equipment. Medequip Connect services focus on optimising the use of today’s smart technology to help keep people secure and safe both in their homes and when they are out and about, boosting independence and quality of life.
From care line alarms with personal call alarm buttons linking to immediate response services through to more sophisticated falls detection devices that can be worn or installed around the home, Medequip Connect makes sure you can access immediate help and support 24 hours a day.”
Furthermore, after the presentation Tessa and Rachel told us that Medequip would like to make a donation of £100 to our Day Centre. We would like to say a very big Thank to Medeqip for this donation and their ongoing support.